What types of projects are funded?
Any type of project related to early childhood education could be a winner. Projects must be developmentally appropriate, demonstrate the ability to enhance your program, and be able to be executed between September and April. Mini Grant recipients are asked to be prepared to present their project at the NYAEYC Annual Conference. Successful applicants have included teachers, assistants, family day care providers, administrators, consultants, and college professors.
Who is eligible to apply for a Mini Grant?
Current members of NYAEYC are eligible to apply. And if awarded you must maintain your membership throughout the grant period. Membership in NYAEYC is an individual professional membership; there are no group or center memberships. Please note: NYAEYC Governing Board members are not eligible to apply.
How much money does a grant winner receive?
Mini Grant awards are up to $500 depending on the scope of the project and the budget submitted.
How do I write the grant?
The grant application provides guidance as to what should be included such as a description of the project, the rationale for it, the objectives of the project, and a budget. The Mini Grant sessions held during the annual conference are also a great source of information. You may also submit questions to the Mini Grant Committee at contactus@nyaeyc.org.
How do I get a grant application?
The application is posted on our Web site in the spring / second quarter of the year. Information is also included in email communications.
What is the application deadline?
The application deadline usually falls in the summer and will be stated clearly on all application materials.
Please contact NYAEYC with any questions or if you need additional information by email at contactus@nyaeyc.org or by phone at 518-867-3517.