The Reporter is our printed newsletter and is distributed bi-annually in the winter and fall. It reaches our 2,500+ membership, inclusive of early childhood educators, administrators, trainers, higher education professionals, family child care providers, and early childhood education students throughout New York State. The publication offers information pieces from knowledgeable sources that discuss major issues and trends in ECE to help provoke thought and promote professional growth. Each edition highlights an early childhood theme, and we welcome submissions from professionals within the field.
The Reporter is one of the many member benefits only NYAEYC members receive, but if you would like to see an example of one of our past issues, please click here!
Our newsletter is also an excellent advertising tool to reach the early childhood community in New York. Additionally, if you are a sponsor or exhibitor, this is a great way to get people interested in your brand and/or product and encourage them to stop by your booth at our Annual Conference. For more information about this great advertising opportunity, please click here or reach out to our Member Relations and Communications Coordinator at
Article Submission
Are you interested in submitting an article for an upcoming edition of the Reporter? Please complete the submission form. For any other inquiries regarding the Reporter, please contact us at Thank you!