Make a donation and help support early childhood professionals!
Providing a safe & nurturing early learning experience for our youngest children is one of the most important and challenging jobs we face as parents and community members. High-quality early learning means a child is more likely to be prepared for school and ready to learn. Through NYAEYC’s program, those who work with children increase their understanding of quality early education and child care practices.
Your 100% tax deductible gift is vital to continue our work of supporting child care providers and early educators as they raise the standard of care and education in New York.
Support the work of NYAEYC today.

NYAEYC Sponsor
Raising the standard and increasing access to trainings, so that all children benefit from quality early learning programs.
Centennial Member

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If you prefer to write a check, please make it payable to NYAEYC and mail to:
230 Washington Ave Ext
Albany, NY 12203